Anyway... since school started I have been making my kids do their jobs in the morning because our evenings are just way too crowded. The kids must make their beds and clean their rooms as well as one other little thing. They usually alternate between taking laundry to the laundry room, loading the breakfast dishes, and cleaning the front bathroom. If they do this everyday... Monday through Friday they get a dollar. I was really nervous about my children doing the dishes... too many things to break or get cut on, but Brian assured me that they would do fine. Caden did them first and had a blast (funny huh?) then it was Calli's turn. She also LOVED it! Weird kids. I decided that we wouldn't have Cienna do dishes because she is just too young and small. When she found out about this bit of news she cried!!! I know! I know! What is wrong with my kids?!?!?! :) We gave in and let her do them but she had to sit through a long lecture about being careful and trying her best and blah blah blah. The next morning, I wake up to the sound of water running.... this is what I find......
She is such a sweetheart. I LOVE how hard she tries to keep up with the other kids... they better watch out because she is right behind them.