Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Caden!!!

So it is a day late... but Happy Happy Birthday to my one and only son! I can't believe he is 7 years old. It just isn't fair! Some of my favorite memories...

- playing "catch" with dad at like 6 months old

- crying at the door to play outside(rain or shine)... he would try to peek under the door to look outside

- calling 911 on accident while playing with the phone. They called back to make sure everything was ok. :)

- driving while Caden tells me which direction we are traveling. Who needs a navigation system?

- Caden eating spinach dip by the spoonful but not even touching spinach

- first day of school

- first soccer game... he thought he was so cool

- the best hugs in the world. He never wants to let go

Most of all he is just one of the best kids in the world. He is kind, intelligent, funny, crazy, calm, outgoing, friendly, protective, understanding, considerate, compassionate, and so dang cute!
Caden-I love you... "my son... my son.... my only one"!!! :) You are so special to me! I will never be the same person again since you came into my life. You have taught me more than I will ever be able to teach you. Thank you for being that person that I will always strive to be.


Katie said...

Awww- he is growing up!! Seven years old... wow!

Aria said...

Holy cow, he is getting old! Happy Birthday to him! I just can't believe how big your kids are all getting.

The Haynies said...

Can't believe this kid is 7! I still remember the day you called me to tell me you were 3 months pregnant! He is so adorable.