Friday, January 2, 2009

A Kidless New Years

First of all, I can't believe how time flies! I am shocked to look back over 2008 and see all the of the stuff that has happened. I am excited for a new year and a fresh start!

This holiday season has been a blast and Brian and I got to spend A LOT of time with the kids. We were excited to get them home and send them off to my mom's house for a few days. Don't get me wrong... I love my children and I love spending quality time with them. But after being in a car with them for over 60 hours and not leaving their side for 10 straight days... I was so happy to see them leave. My mom is an awesome grandma and tries to take my kids overnight whenever the opportunity presents itself. I called her and told her that we were going to an adult only New Years party and she agreed to take my kids for three days! :) What an awesome (and crazy) lady.

Brian and I went to our good friends house to enjoy an evening of Rockband,
Tri-tip, Scene it Pirates, and amazing company. We had a similar party last year and I think it is in the making of becoming a tradition.

My kids came home today and I did miss them so it was nice to have them home. Cienna is a little crazy sometimes so I am sure my mom was excited to be rid of her for a bit. Apparently she screamed and cried under a McDonalds table for about 20 minutes while grandma, brother, sister, and Ubba all tried to convince her to come out. She also had a major meltdown when she couldn't sleep in some certain area. :) Weirdo! Ah the joys of 3 year olds.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a nice, safe New Year's and I look forward to hearing about all your families for the next year. Love and miss you all!

1 comment:

Aria said...

Glad you had a great New Year's! I think I went to bed at 9:30 that night. We'd been driving all day and were exhausted by the time we'd gotten home from Texas. We miss you guys!